This set has four individual bags in C2G design that can be stored in many practical ways. Each bag is made of a high quality material, just like every item from the SPACE series. Walls are well cushioned (6 mm) to protect your belongings.
The base of this set is an XL bag that can hold all the other ones. It is entirely up to you whether you will use it solely for your gear or combine it with the rest of the BOKZ bags. There is no wrong way to use them ! In addition, BOKZ XL has an removable velcro divider to adjust the space inside according to your needs.
Another bag from the series is size L. It’s ideal for storing all smaller components like sinkers, lures, and other items. Just like XL, size L also has a removable divider to adjust the space inside.
The smallest member of the BOKZ family are two M size bags. They take up only a tiny amount of space, but you can fill them up with all the necessary gear for your rig making.
Every bag from the set has a practical transport handle with high-quality zips and a transparent cover so you’ll always see what’s inside.
Technical information:
Dimensions XL: 27x22x10 cm
Dimensions L: 20x12x8 cm
Dimensions M: 12x10x8 cm
A stylish patented camouflage by Delphin called C2G has more in its name than meets the eye. It stands for a “Second generation of Carpath”, but also a “Carpath to Green”, meaning our Carpath camouflage in green colour. This camouflage has a unique style. It may seem that it only has three different shades of green, but when you look closer, you can identify carp silhouettes, carp rig components and Delphin logos. With C2G, your fishing tackle will have a truly original style.
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