A favourable set consisting of popular lengths and load capacities of lines, a variety enabling you to choose the right one for all situations in predator fishing.
Leader of a spinning series BOMB! Designed by Delphin is created by knitting of 7 stainless steel fibres (marked also like 1x7). It is significant for its very soft surface and high loading capacity as well as its great resistance towards any mechanical damage. The lead core line is very soft, easy to manipulate with and allows perfect presentation of your lure in the water. It won´t be bitten off by any predator!
In one side of the leader BOMB! is a swivel and on its other side is a snap rig which are placed in a strongly knitted loops.
Stainless steel leader set with swivel and snap BOMB! 7 fibres | 75x/20,30,40cm/9kg
This convenient set includes:
25x 20cm/9kg
25x 30cm/9kg
25x 40cm/9kg
Sizes of swivels and snap rigs to lines:
20cm/9kg - Wirbel #8, Karabinera #0
30cm/9kg - Wirbel #8, Karabiner #0
40cm/9kg - Wirbel #8, Karabiner #0
Stainless steel leader set with swivel and snap BOMB! 7 fibres | 75x/20,30,40cm/12kg
This convenient set includes:
25x 20cm/12kg
25x 30cm/12kg
25x 40cm/12kg
Sizes of swivels and snap rigs to lines:
20cm/12kg - Wirbel #6, Karabiner #1
30cm/12kg - Wirbel #6, Karabiner #1
40cm/12kg - Wirbel #6, Karabiner #1
Stainless steel leader set with swivel and snap BOMB! 7 fibres | 75x/35cm/9,12,15kg
This convenient set includes:
25x 35cm/9kg
25x 35cm/12kg
25x 35cm/15kg
Sizes of swivels and snap rigs to lines:
35cm/9kg - Wirbel #8, Karabiner #0
35cm/12kg - Wirbel #6, Karabiner #1
35cm/15kg - Wirbel #5, Karabiner #2
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